Impressum – Legal Disclosure

Information requirement according to §5 E-Commerce law, §14 Austrian Commercial Code respectively §63 Trading regualtions and disclosure statement according to §25 media law.

Good two Finance GmbH
Baumbachstrasse 19
4020 Linz
+43 732 947837

Headquarters: Linz (Upper Austria)
Company register number: FN 533933 x
Company Register Court: LG Linz

Managing Directors:
Mag. Alexandra Tobin-Vallant
Mag. Barbara Kriechhammer

Value added tax identification number: ATU75651304
Business purpose: Management Consulting
Member of: WKO, WKOÖ

Professional law: trade regulations, available at www.ris.bka.gv.a
Trade authority: District Administration Linz
State of registration: Austria

Consumers have the option to submit complaints to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform:
You can also send any complaints to the above e-mail address.

Picture credits:
Adobe Stock/iStock/DIVI free stock images
Sabine Kneidinger Photography

Copyright © 2022 Good two Finance GmbH. All rights reserved.